Children's Irish Dance Classes
Beginner I & II- Ages 3.5+
A perfect introduction to the incredible world of Irish dance!
Our Beginner Irish Dance class focuses on the fundamentals essential to Irish dance, such as foot placement, body alignment and awareness, and the basic steps to jigs and reels. We also explore rhythm and timing by listening, clapping and dancing along to traditional Irish music.
Dancers in these classes are invited to march with ODA at the St. Patricks Day Parades in March and at our end-of-year Academy showcase in June!
5:30-6:15PM - Beginner I
Appropriate for ages 3.5-6
6:00-6:45PM - Beginner II
Appropriate for ages 6+
11AM-11:45 - Beginner I
Appropriate for ages 3.5-6
11:45-12:30PM - Beginner II & Intermediate
Appropriate for ages 6+
Fall 2024 Schedule
Our beginner classes run from September to June, but registration is always ongoing! It’s never been a better time to join class.
Fall classes begin Thursday, Sept 5th.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I wear to class?
Dancers should wear t-shirt, athletic shorts, and white socks. NO dresses, skirts, pants, leggings, or jewelry is allowed. Hair should be pulled back off the face in a ponytail or with a headband.
For footwear, dancers can wear black jazz shoes or ballet slippers. Dancers will NOT be allowed to participate in activities barefoot, in socks, or in unsafe footwear, such as sandals or flip-flops.
What is the cost?
Tuition is based on class time per week - for example: for one 45 minute class per week, tuition is $110/month. Tuition can be paid in full at start of semester or via monthly payment options. Pay in full at registration to receive one month off tuition!
How do I register?
You can register and pay online through the website here. Venmo payments are also accepted on first day of classes.
Can I do a trial class?
Yes! Dancers are always welcome to come and try a class and see if it is the right fit. Please email us at hello@odonnellacademy.com or fill out the contact form below to schedule your trial class at the location best for you.
What if I miss a class?
You can schedule a make-up class in the same level of classes within the same session of the class missed. Please email us to schedule a make up class!
Is there a recital?
Dancers in our Semester-based classes will have an opportunity to showcase their dances to parents and friends at the end of each semester. Dancers enrolled in our Spring session or in our year round classes will also participate in our end of year showcase, and will also have the opportunity to compete at a local Irish dance competition.
Am I allowed to watch class?
Students focus better in class and learn more when they can be in the studio without any distractions. Parents and guardians are welcome to wait on-site in the waiting room during class, and will have the opportunity to see what their dancers have learned at the end of the semester.
Why dance with O’Donnell?
Our faculty are certified, highly qualified and have many years of experience working with children. The O’Donnell Academy is a certified Irish dance school, registered and regulated by An Coimisiun Le Rince Gaelacha in Dublin, Ireland. We are proud to offer dance classes as an opportunity for children to exercise, learn to perform, build confidence, and have fun in a safe and supportive environment.
Ready to dance?
Sign up for a free trial class today!